The Muni Update

The Muni Update

Jan 5, 2025
The Muni Update
Good Morning,
This past week our temperatures have started to return to the normal range in comparison to the upper 50's we experienced the prior week. The warm temperatures are definitely enjoyed by our normally cold Iowa winter bones. However, these temperatures don't instantly create golf weather for the enthusiast seeking a round or two in the off season.
The frost levels can drop down to four feet below soil level during the winter months. When temperatures rise well above the freezing mark the top surface area of the turfgrass thaws. This can create a sponge like surface on the turf but the ground is still frozen an inch or two below the surface. Footprinting now occurs which results in turf damage that is still recognizable in the spring. 
I know I have shared this information before when it comes to warm winter weather conditions but it is very important to understand the potential turf damage if we allow people to play golf when conditions are not favorable. This photo from December of 2023 is a good reminder of the damage that can occur.
Our online clothing store is still available until January 10. Please visit the store and check out some of the different color options available in our muni gear. The online store will close on January 11 and they will begin production of the orders.
We continue to move forward with the pumphouse renovation plan as we move into 2025. The 75 horsepower turbine is catching on a small portion of the 18 inch intake line that fills the wet well. I am working with the contractor to make a decision on the best solution moving forward. It's not a serious issue but we need to get a resolution before they arrive back on site in February.

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year filled with much positivity and happiness. Please reach out if you have any questions or would like further information on a topic. Enjoy the remainder of your day.

Brian C Mohr
Director of Golf Operations
City of Spencer
101 W 5th Street
Spencer Municipal Golf Course
Spencer, Iowa 51301
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