The Muni Update

Dec 15, 2024
The Muni Update
Good Morning,
The rainfall has helped add a little moisture to the surface of the golf course. It's interesting to see how the precipitation effects the turfgrass sensors we have installed in our practice green for the University of Minnesota. I have participated in the winter turfgrass research for each of the four years it has been established. I submit data to them each week and the sensors record data live online 24/7. It's a great research project and I'm proud The Muni is able to contribute to the process.
The Muni is currently offering online purchasing of our logo t-shirts, hoodies, and zip ups. This online store has a few more color options than we currently have in the clubhouse. You can visit the link below and order your merchandise through January 10, 2025. Tailored Graphics will begin processing the orders at this time. Once the orders are completed they will be available for you at the clubhouse.
The clubhouse will be closed for the majority of the off season. Golfers can stop at city hall to purchase any holiday gift certificates or pay any 2025 fees. You can also visit the website to pay for your 2025 fees by logging into your profile and making an online payment. It's an easy way to make payment while still in the comfort of your own home.
The past couple of weeks the main focus has been working on tree pruning and servicing our equipment. The tree pruning has been completed but we still have a few dead trees that need to be removed. These trees will be addressed sometime during the off season. The equipment has all be serviced with small repairs still left to complete. These will be addressed during the off season.
Working on the 2025-26 golf course budget will continue to be a main focus through the end of December. The city has been short staffed in the finance department for most of 2024. I have been going through all of the line items for 2024 to make sure everything has been coded properly. The last two golf seasons have been the busiest ever at The Muni which requires additional budget dollars to help provide enough clubhouse staffing as well as maintenance practices. The good news for our golfing community is there will be no increase in rates for the 2025 season.
This coming week Dakota Pump and Control will be on site to start their initial work in our pumphouse. They will be on site for a couple of days setting everything up. Once they have completed the setup, they will tear everything back down and return to their work facility to weld and paint all of the materials. At the end of March they will be back on site to complete the final installation. The system will then be started for the 2025 golf season.
I will be taking some time off work for the remainder of the month of December. I will still be working on some of my golf course goals but will not be in the office. I will be available by email and possibly phone during this time. 
I would like to wish each of you Happy Holidays! I hope you are able to spend some time with your loved ones and friends during this time of season. Sometimes the greatest gift we can give is to share a smile or compliment with someone. Enjoy the remainder of the weekend.

Brian C Mohr
Director of Golf Operations
City of Spencer
101 W 5th Street
Spencer Municipal Golf Course
Spencer, Iowa 51301
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