The Muni Update

The Muni Update

Dec 1, 2024
The Muni Update
Good Morning,
This past week the 2024 golf season came to an end. We had a dozen or so golfers out playing one last time on Sunday, November 24. It was a pretty nice day to play golf considering it is the end of November. On Monday we removed the flagsticks and cups from the greens, officially closing the golf course for the 2024 golf season. 
Staff spent the past week pruning trees around the golf course. We will complete this process this coming week. Trees are pruned annually to provide golfers the ability to hit a golf shot from the trees and create an environment for successful maintenance practices. Trees are pruned to a designated height without compromising the natural shape of each tree.
I completed the reel and bedknife sharpening for all of our reel type mowers. This is an annual off season maintenance practice that ensures our equipment is providing a high quality cut of the turfgrass at all mowing heights. You can look through our Quality Standards to get a better understanding of all our maintenance practices.
Another off season task is to complete the inventories in the maintenance facility as well as the clubhouse. We record all of our equipment inventories along with the final hour meter readings of the season. Small assets are also recorded to keep an updated list of these items. Clubhouse inventory includes pro shop items as well as beer and liquor items heading into the off season. All inventory information is provided to our insurance carrier to ensure we have up to date coverage.
The Muni offered quite a few clothing options during the 2024 golf season. It is not possible to supply enough clothing in all sizes or colors so we have decided to offer an online store that runs through January 10, 2025. You can view the online store at the link below to order any clothing options you would like for 2025. Production will begin once the store closes and items will be available for pick up at the clubhouse or Tailored Graphics.
For your convenience, The Muni website allows you the ability to renew your 2024 membership for the next golf season. You can pay for your cart storage or purchase punch cards as well. Simply login to your profile on the website and make a credit card payment to cover these fees for 2025. You can also visit City Hall or contact the clubhouse to purchase gift certificates or make other payments.
The Muni would really like to thank our community as well as the golfers that travel to come play our golf course during the season. We love seeing all of the familiar faces and look forward to the new golfers that stop by for the first time. The flood on June 22 was extremely devastating to our community but we were glad we had a recreational atmosphere to provide for people to take their minds off the stress of daily life. We look forward to another great season in 2025.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and we wish each of you a wonderful holiday season as we enter the month of December. Please reach out with questions or the need for additional information.

Brian C Mohr
Director of Golf Operations
City of Spencer
101 W 5th Street
Spencer Municipal Golf Course
Spencer, Iowa 51301
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