The Muni Update

The Muni Update

Oct 13, 2024
The Muni Update
Good Morning,
The past couple weeks the weather has been above normal temperatures and no precipitation. The non irrigated areas of the golf course have turned completely dormant. The irrigated areas continue to receive as much water as possible. They are hanging in there pretty well considering we have dealt with pumphouse issues several times in the past week.
On Monday one of the six inch intake lines was damaged and caused the irrigation system to be inactive. Staff worked on this issue on Monday and Tuesday to get the system functioning again. Wednesday it was necessary to replace the foot valve on one of the intakes which caused the system to be down another night. 
Thursday morning I was able to get the system running early in the morning and irrigated greens and tees. The irrigation system operated at 110% on Thursday and Friday nights before another intake line was damaged leaving the system operating at 50% for the remainder of the weekend. There is no rainfall in the forecast but cooler temperatures will alleviate the need for so much irrigation water at night. 
The pumps are leaking water through the damaged seals which results in them turning on and off more frequently to retain pressure. The water hammer effect causes increased pressure on the intake lines causing the issues. 
We are currently reviewing quotes for the pumphouse repairs received during the flood. We hope to have this process completed in the next month. Meanwhile we are trying to limp along with the system.
Overall the golf course has remained in very nice condition. Mowing frequencies have diminished which gives us more time to work on projects:
  • completed the majority of the sod repair in damaged area
  • seeding completed on the practice green and practice tees
  • irrigation patterns have been monitored and adjusted
  • irrigation valve and head repairs in progress
  • small tree removal in progress
  • hand topdressing repaired areas on greens in progress
  • watering newly planted trees on the golf course
This coming week we will be aerifying the greens with a half inch solid tine to a depth of approximately ten inches. The greens will be rolled and double mowed following the aerification process. There will be no sand topdressing added to the greens. There will be minimal disruption to the golf greens.
Aerification helps reduce compaction, generate better water movement through the soil profile, and allows deeper root depth for the turfgrass plant. In recent years multiple superintendents in our areas have eliminated the sand topdressing following aerificiation with positive results. We have followed that pattern as well and I have been very happy with the results. 
The Muni will be hosting our annual Chili Open on Sunday, October 20 with a 10:00 AM shotgun start. This event will help generate funds to renovate our shelter on hole number two as well as install concrete pads on both our golf course shelters. We still have spots available for this event.
Today the weather has turned to a northerly direction. If you stop out to The Muni just remember, "swing easy when it's breezy!" Please reach out with any questions.
Brian C Mohr
Director of Golf Operations
City of Spencer
101 W 5th Street
Spencer Municipal Golf Course
Spencer, Iowa 51301
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