The Muni Update
Aug 18, 2024

Good Morning,
This past week our maintenance staff focused on our daily maintenance practices. Our mowing frequency had decreased with the lack of precipitation the past few weeks. Non irrigated areas had become fully dormant and even irrigated areas of the golf course required as much mowing frequency. I expect that to change after we received 1.4" of rainfall this past week.
The irrigation system had been operating every night at the maximum amount of water for the irrigation time frame. The rainfall on Wednesday left a lot of standing water on the course. There was also water standing in most of the sand traps. Normally we don't have water standing around that long with that amount of rainfall but the ground was fairly saturated from all the irrigation.
We also continued to work on irrigation repairs. There were quite a few valve boxes where the diaphragms were filled with debris and some valves with cracked piping. Approximately 15 stations were addressed and repaired. We will continue working on additional areas in the coming weeks. The majority of our repairs have been completed.
The Muni hosted multiple golf events this past week and there are also quite a few on the upcoming calendar. We hosted the Stateline senior men on Monday, YMCA on Friday, JayCees on Saturday, and this morning we will be hosting our couple's tournament. There have been some changes to our October calendar with the Chili Open being moved to October 20 and the Rocktoberfest Best Shot going to October 6. Visit the event calendar on our website for more information.
Our Chili Open event will help us raise funds to update the shelters on the golf course. We are looking at replacing the roof and siding on the shelter next to #2 green. The other shelter was updated a few years ago. We are also looking to add concrete pads to both of these units. These updates will make the shelters more user friendly when inclimate weather hits the golf course.
We are also going to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the "new" clubhouse during the chili open event. It's hard to believe we have been operating out of the clubhouse for 15 years. It has been such a beautiful addition not only for golfers but for people to hold their events. I will keep everyone updated on these plans as we get closer to the event.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions or would like further information on a golf course topic. Enjoy the remainder of the weekend!
Brian C Mohr
Director of Golf Operations
City of Spencer
101 W 5th Street
Spencer Municipal Golf Course
Spencer, Iowa 51301