Spencer Municipal Golf Course Rules and Policies
Dress Code:
Spencer Municipal Golf Course is a soft spike only facility. No metal spikes are allowed.
Proper attire is recommended on the golf course. Suggested attire would be golf or tennis shoes, slacks, jeans, shorts, and shirts. Proper attire must be worn in the clubhouse.
Players must reserve a tee time and register in the pro shop prior to play. The earliest tee time for open play is 7:00 AM. A tee time is required for each 18 holes played. They must have their own set of clubs. Play will originate from #1 tee unless modified by the pro shop staff. The holes shall be played in order. No skipping holes or back tracking.
No children three years and younger will be allowed on the golf course. Children four to 12 years will be allowed on the golf course if supervised by an adult. They must be supervised by an adult in the clubhouse. Exceptions can be made by a manager.
Golfers will be given a receipt to identify that green fees are paid. Season pass holders will be issued bag tags indicating payment.
Practice is not permitted on the golf course. Please use the driving range or practice green only.
Only food and beverage purchased from the clubhouse will be allowed on the course. All alcohol must be purchased from the clubhouse. It is against the law to bring your own alcoholic beverages onto the golf course. Management reserves the right to refuse service when it is in the customer's or golf courses best interest.
Use sand mix to repair divots on tees. Replace divots in the fairways. Repair ball marks on the greens. Please rake sand traps before continuing on with play.
Please respect the homeowners and their properties around the golf course. Do not take power carts onto private property. Do not hit golf shots from private property. Golfers are liable for any damages they cause to private property.
Rest rooms are provided around the golf course. Please use them. Public urination is not permitted.
Golf Carts:
Golfers may rent power or pull carts from the pro shop. The carts shall be paid in advance for the designated number of holes. Trail fees must be paid for private carts brought onto the course.
You must be at least 16 years to rent and/or operate a power cart from the clubhouse. Private carts will be used at the discretion of the owner and will be monitored by the golf course staff.
Only two riders and two sets of clubs are allowed on rented power carts.
Power carts must be kept at least 30 feet from greens and tees, on the cart paths where available, and off slopes at all times. Please avoid any wet areas on the course.
Handicap flags will be loaned out from the clubhouse to those needing them. These flags will allow the golfer to drive the cart next to greens, tees, and other areas necessary. The flags must be returned to the clubhouse upon the completion of the round of golf.
Anyone abusing the privilege of using a power golf cart may be removed from the golf course.
Speed of Play:
The golf course should be played in a maximum of four hours for 18 holes. It is the responsibility of each group to be observant of its position on the golf course and keep pace with the group ahead. Please allow faster groups to play through. Play ready golf at all times.
The ranger's duties include keeping play moving on the golf course and enforcing golf etiquette.
Foursomes have precedence. No more than 4 golfers in a group at all times. Groups of more than four will be allowed at the discretion of the clubhouse staff and management.
Rain Policy:
If the golf course is closed due to inclement weather, gift certificates will be issued for unfinished play. Receipts for cart rental and greens fees are required.
Golf group outings must be scheduled on weekdays during the golf season. Weekend outings will be considered by golf course management and the golf course board.
The course may only be closed for a group during the golf season at the discretion of golf course management. Green fee rates have been set, by the golf course board, according to the size of the group. The golf course staff will make every effort to minimize the length of golf course closure and accommodate open play if at all possible.
Benefit tournaments must be approved by the Spencer Municipal Golf Course Board on an individual basis.
Groups or leagues are responsible for cleaning up after themselves. If the clubhouse staff must clean up after a group, the Spencer Municipal Golf Course Board will assess a clean-up fee to the group.
Keys to the cart sheds will be available at City Hall to be checked out to lease holders for a $5 deposit and a receipt verifying occupancy. The keys are to be returned at the end of the cart shed lease and the $5 deposit will be returned.
Even though patrons will be able to open the cart sheds themselves, carts are not to be on the golf course until the golf course is open for play at 7:00 AM.
"Shotgun Starts" are not allowed unless approved by a manager.
Season passes may be paid in two payments, dated opening day of the season and June 15. Green fees will not be applied to the season passes for payment.
Yearly cart storage fees and driving range season passes must be paid by opening day of the season.
No refunds will be made on season passes or cart storage fees. Exceptions may be made by the Spencer Municipal Golf Course Board.
League play will be limited to a set number of weeks, including league tournaments, to be determined by the Spencer Municipal Golf Course Board.
No dogs or other pets are allowed on the golf course.
No vehicles are allowed to park in the parking lot south of the clubhouse. This area is reserved parking. Cart trailers must park in the northeast parking lot by the maintenance facility. They will not be allowed in any other parking lot.
Any failure to abide by the rules and regulations and any other inappropriate or offensive conduct will be dealt with on a case by case basis by the Club House Supervisor, Golf Course Superintendent or by the Golf Course Board. The Club House Supervisor, the Golf Course Superintendent and the Chairman of the Golf Course Board shall have the authority to remove any person violating the rules and regulations or acting inappropriately or offensively from the golf course property for the day, without refund of any fees.
The Golf Course Board may suspend or terminate golf course privileges with no refund for repeated violations of the rules and regulations or for serious inappropriate or offensive conduct. Any such suspension or termination shall be stayed upon the filing of a written appeal with the city clerk. The appeal shall be promptly heard by the Golf Course Board.